Monday, November 30, 2015

Comparing Contemporary Dance and Classical Ballet

  • They are both made to affect and inspire those who come in contact with them.
  • Music is similar in rhythms.
  • They express their emotions and show how passionate they are about what they do.
  • Always opening up new ideas and opportunities.
  • Never lack in strong techniques.
  • Slow music doesn't always mean it is going to be classical dance.
  • Grounded vs. Delicate
  • They can both have slow movements at times, but it is Contemporary Dance that will push out of the shell with its fast, upbeat, and multiple moves.

It is considered that these two forms of dance are polar opposites, but many moves have been pulled from ballet to create contemporary dance. It has also developed a lot on its own. These dances both leave you with a sense of fulfillment, and ability to overcome obstacles. They are pure forms that deliver a sense of beauty into the world of dance and inspire. 

Classical Ballet

Movement Qualities

  • Specific in their straight lines and they don't draw away from this
  • Their movements are exact, and can be broken down to precisely how they move
  • Floating quaility
  • Almost show a sign of perfection
  • Men are there to make the woman beautiful
  • The women almost play a game as to being something out of reach
  • Began with court costumes: wigs, hard shoes, and large gowns
  • Skirts became shorter and we got the classical tutu
  • It is very fit to the body and it accents the legs
  • More colors, masks, and jewelry used
  • Pointe shoes, leotards, and tights
  • Males are usually in tights, flat ballet shoes, and fancy leotards
  • Play a role in depicting the emotion of the dancer
  • Live orchestra plays
  • Specific noises foreshadow and explain the current scenes
  • Many of the audiences are similar in class to the production being shown
  • Very educated and understand the importance of the dance

(view from 1:00-3:00)

Contemporary Dance History

  • True form of Contemporary dance began to arise in the 1900's.
  • Contemporary dance arose from its ancestors of ballet and modern dance.
  • Merce Cunningham and Martha Graham were some of the first choreographers of contemporary dance.
    • Cunningham ~ first to "develop an independent attitude towards modern dance and the artistic work."
  • Meant for dancers to embrace freedom and ignore conventions. 
  • Contemporary brings together many other practices. 
    • Classical
    • Modern
    • Jazz

Classical Ballet History

16th Century 

  • The beginning of ballet arose in the Renaissance period in Italy.
  • Catherine de Medici married King Henry II and brought ballet to France.
  • Ballet was performed in courts for royalty.

17th Century
  • Ballet was codified during the time of King Louis XIV.
  • Louis used dance in his courts to determine stature, prominence and wealth.
18th Century
  • Opera-Ballet began to form
19th Century
  • Ballet transformed to what it is commonly known as today.